Fireplace Smoke Smell in House
How to Get Rid of Fireplace Smoke Smell in House

A popular question for homeowners is, “how to get rid of fireplace smoke smell in the house?”

Let’s face it—your house probably smells a little funky sometimes. Many factors can lead to an unpleasant home odor, whether it’s the musty smell of a leaky basement or the lingering aroma of last night’s dinner.

Fortunately, there are lots of simple tricks and tips you can use to help get rid of those nasty smells in your home. Cleaning is time-consuming and challenging for many people with busy work schedules and extended families with different schedules.

There are so many things we take for granted when living in a tidy house: the smell of fresh towels after they come out of the dryer, the smell of clean sheets on our beds, or even just walking into a house that doesn’t smell like pets or cigarettes.

You might be thinking: “How am I supposed to find time to clean?” Fortunately, there are some quick tips you can use that won’t take up much time but will have an enormous impact on how your house smells overall.

Practical Tips – How to Get Rid of Fireplace Smoke Smell in House

Change your fireplace filter regularly

Changing your fireplace filter regularly can have a big impact on the smell of your home. When you use your fireplace, some smoke gets sucked into the filter built into the chimney. After a while, this filter will start to get really smelly.

The longer the filter is left in place, the more the smell will build up and seep out into your house. When the filter is really smelly, it can make your whole house smell bad. If you don’t change the filter regularly, you could even start to see black soot begin to build up on the walls inside your home.

The good news is that most fireplace filters are very cheap and easy to replace. If you clean and replace your filter every three months or so, you’ll be able to avoid the buildup of soot and a smelly house.

Open your windows when you use your fireplace

If you open your windows while you’re burning your fireplace, it will help to circulate the smoke outside and reduce the amount that gets sucked into the filter. It may not seem like a huge difference, but every little bit helps! Another option is to use a fireplace fan.

These large fans are mounted in your fireplace and suck the smoke up out of the chimney. Many of these fans are tabletop models that sit on top of your fireplace and plug into an outlet.

If you have young kids or pets, you should make sure to keep the windows closed when you’re using your fireplace to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Burn fragrance candles

Burning scented candles or incense are great ways to help freshen up your home and minimize odors. Keep in mind that incense can get very heavy and leave a strong smell that can linger. If you decide to use incense, make sure you use it in an area that can be closed off to help contain the smell.

If you have a specific smell you’re trying to get rid of, you can try burning a candle with a scent that naturally helps mask it. For example, citrus scents like oranges or lemons can help to cover up smells like pet urine or cigarette smoke.

Ventilate your home with an exhaust fan

Using an exhaust fan to help circulate the air in your home and clear out odors can be a great way to help freshen up your home with minimal effort. If you have a large home or a home that has a basement with a finished space, you can use an exhaust fan in the upper level of your home and have it pull the air down through the lower level.

If you want to target a specific area, you can install a small exhaust fan in a window. Just be sure to keep the window open slightly to let the air escape. An exhaust fan can be especially helpful during the winter when your home has less fresh air coming in.

Install a fireplace vent

Installing a fireplace vent can help eliminate most of your fireplace’s smoke. A fireplace vent uses air pressure to push the smoke up through your home’s roof. You can either buy a premade vent or build your own.

Premade vents are inexpensive and a great option for homeowners who aren’t interested in getting their hands dirty. When building your own vent, you’ll want to make sure that you follow the safety and building codes in your area. You’ll also want to make sure that you have a strong enough roof to hold the weight of the vent.

Clean out the fireplace and install new carpeting

If you’ve used your fireplace regularly and don’t want to install a vent, you can clean out the inside of your fireplace and install the new carpeting. This will help to trap and hold onto the smoke so it doesn’t get sucked into the filter.

When cleaning out your fireplace, make sure that you use gloves and eye protection to protect yourself from any harmful chemicals. You’ll also want to make sure you seal off your fireplace and close off any air vents that would allow smoke to escape and make its way into your home.

For an extra-fresh boost, you can also try cleaning your fireplace chimney with vinegar. This will help to neutralize any odors and leave your home smelling fresh and clean.

Freshen the air with baking soda and vinegar

If you have a really strong odor in your home, you can try baking soda and vinegar as an inexpensive way to help neutralize the smell. Mix together 1 part baking soda with 1 part vinegar and place it in different areas of your home where there is a strong smell.

Baking soda and vinegar are both natural and inexpensive ways to help freshen up your home and neutralize odors when you don’t want to spend money on fancy-scented sprays.

Run Charcoal

If you have a particularly strong odor in your home, you can try running charcoal in the areas where the smell is strongest. You can either buy premade scented charcoal or use plain charcoal and add a few drops of essential oils to scent it.

Charcoal is a natural substance that can help to absorb odors and leave your home smelling fresh and clean.

Use Odor-Eliminating Sprays

If you want to combat a specific smell right away, you can try using an odor-eliminating spray. Make sure to choose a spray that is safe for the surface you are spraying, and follow the directions on the packaging to get the best results. Some sprays can leave a sticky or tacky residue once they dry, which can be difficult to clean and may damage your surfaces.

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How to Get Rid of Fireplace Smoke Smell in House 1

Before spraying your home, make sure to vacuum and clean as thoroughly as possible to remove any debris or particles that can trap and hold onto odors. Once you have your house as clean as possible, you can use an odor-eliminating spray to help neutralize any remaining smells. These sprays are great for targeted areas, like a litter box or a laundry hamper, where there is a strong smell.


We can do many things to maintain a clean house and keep it smelling great. We can clean our floors, dust our furniture, and, most importantly, open the windows. You can use many tips and tricks to keep your house smelling great. There are many ways to get rid of smells in your house.

You can change your fireplace filter, open the windows while you are burning your fireplace, and use an exhaust fan to circulate the air in your home. You can also clean out your fireplace, install a fireplace vent, and clean with baking soda and vinegar.

Running charcoal and using an odor-eliminating spray can also help eliminate smells in your house.

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