Everyone certainly wants a clean and healthy place to live in. When uninvited “guests” come like insects, of course, you will be annoyed, right?

But there are various ways to repel insects in the house.

Often, insecticides or mosquito-repellent sprays are the top choices.

However, the synthetic chemicals in bug sprays can be harmful to health. In addition, many chemical sprays and commercial insecticides can cause problems for people with sensitive skin or to animals and children.

FYI, we have the freshest-smelling lavender spray for sale too.

Best Kind of Natural Bug Spray

There are also natural ingredients that are guaranteed to be effective in repelling bugs inside your home. Natural bug spray products are guaranteed to be more effective, affordable, and safe to use without allergic reactions.

Besides being safe to use, natural bug-repellent materials are also easy to find.

Do you want to know which are the most effective ones?

Then continue reading to find out about the best natural ingredients that can help keep insects out and how you can make your own natural bug spray using active ingredients and pump spray.

Lavender Spray – Natural Essential Oils - Relaxing Aromatherapy

af lavender

Lavender Spray – Natural Essential Oils - Relaxing Aromatherapy

af lavender
Vanilla – 123 Servings IN STOCK ready to ship
      4.3 of 5 838 REVIEWS
  • ✔️ BEST LAVENDER SPRAY: 100% safe and natural ingredients.
  • ✔️ RELAXING AROMATHERAPY: Essential oil room spray helps you relax and sleep.
  • ✔️ FRESHENER SPRAY: Use on linens, bedding, pillows, carpets, upholstery, curtains.


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Top 8 Ingredients and Recipes for Natural Bug Spray 1

What natural ingredients are useful to repel insects

Here are some easy-to-find natural ingredients as natural insect repellents in both your home and yard.

Citronella oil

Citronella oil and citrus oils such as limonene have long been recognized as popular and well-known insect repellents. Studies show that lemongrass can help you repel mosquitoes. It can also be effective against insects, ticks, mites, aphids, flies, and other bugs.

Garlic oil

Garlic oil is known as the most natural bug repellent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even lists garlic oil as a natural flea-repelling oil for use in yards and gardens.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is very popular because of its benefits in helping the process of relaxation and sleep. However, this oil is not only useful for that. This oil was also effective in repelling mosquitoes. Plus, lavender oil is generally considered the safest to use topically on the skin without having to dilute it first

Peppermint Oil

Studies have shown that peppermint oil is a good mosquito repellent. Other studies have also concluded that peppermint oil may be effective at repelling spiders as well.

Thyme essential oil

Another natural ingredient that you can use is thyme essential oil. This natural ingredient can help repel annoying mosquitoes in the house. However, thyme oil is less considered safe to use on your exposed skin unless the oil is more diluted.

Lemon eucalyptus oil

Lemon eucalyptus oil is on the list of natural bug sprays. This oil is a natural mosquito repellent and is quite effective. Plus, according to the CDC, other products containing the ingredient lemon eucalyptus oil are effective mosquito repellents.

However, you should not get confused because lemon eucalyptus oil and lemon eucalyptus essential oil are two different things. Lemon eucalyptus essential oil is not effective at repelling mosquitoes.

Dill essential oil

Cockroaches are one of the insects that many people fear. To eradicate this one animal is quite easy. Want to repel insects in the room? Dill essential oil is considered effective in repelling annoying cockroaches in the house. However, this oil must be diluted before being used on your skin.

Cinnamon oil

If mosquitoes bother you most and are a major concern, you can use cinnamon oil. This oil has been shown to help repel mosquitoes both in the laboratory and outdoors. In addition, cinnamon oil is also effective in killing mosquito larvae.

However, you have to be careful because cinnamon oil may cause a skin reaction. So make sure you dilute it first before using it on your body.

natural bug spray

Homemade bug spray recipes for skin

Creating an effective mixture of natural insect repellent is a fairly simple process that you can make by yourself at home. First, make sure you choose the right essential oil that is safe for topical application, especially for sensitive skin.

Step 1: You need to prepare a glass spray bottle, lavender essential oil or lemon eucalyptus oil, and witch hazel.
Step 2: Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1 drop of oil: 10 drops of witch hazel. Gently shake until combined and then spray onto the skin.

You will not get bug bites or mosquito bites again because this natural ingredient is effective at repelling mosquitoes. This natural bug spray also smells amazing.

Homemade natural bug sprays recipe for home or yard.

To make your own indoor/outdoor insect spray, you will need:

  • a glass spray bottle
  • lavender essential oil
  • citronella essential oil
  • lemon eucalyptus oil
  • distilled water, and
  • white vinegar.

Step 1: Mix 2 ounces of distilled water and 2 ounces of white vinegar with 10 to 20 drops of essential oil.
Step 2: Stir gently until mixed.
Step 3: Then spray this mixture onto surfaces where insects tend to gather, such as the bottoms of patio tables, barbecues, and lawn chairs. This will keep the insect and other bugs population down drastically.

Homemade natural bug sprays recipe for plants

Some natural bug sprays can also help keep bugs out of your plants and become pest control. This DIY recipe won’t harm the plant as long as you dilute a few drops of thyme essential oil with distilled water.

Then, mix the solution in a glass spray bottle and spray it directly on your plants. These plant-based oils can be natural alternatives for bug sprays.

Lavender Spray – Natural Essential Oils - Relaxing Aromatherapy

af lavender

Lavender Spray – Natural Essential Oils - Relaxing Aromatherapy

af lavender
Vanilla – 123 Servings IN STOCK ready to ship
      4.3 of 5 838 REVIEWS
  • ✔️ BEST LAVENDER SPRAY: 100% safe and natural ingredients.
  • ✔️ RELAXING AROMATHERAPY: Essential oil room spray helps you relax and sleep.
  • ✔️ FRESHENER SPRAY: Use on linens, bedding, pillows, carpets, upholstery, curtains.


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Top 8 Ingredients and Recipes for Natural Bug Spray 1

Natural Bug Spray Safety Tips

Although natural ingredients are considered safe for human use, you should know that not all-natural essential oil blends are safe for topical use. Certain essential oils, such as orange oil, can have a phototoxic effect if you apply them directly to the skin.

 If you want to make your own natural bug spray, first, know the safety of the ingredients you are going to use. Because some natural ingredients may not be safe in certain situations.

Plus, if you want to use some essential oils on your skin as bug repellents, you may need to dilute them to a safe level before using them. This is to avoid allergic reactions and skin irritation.

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