how to declutter your house in one day

Honestly, how to declutter your house in one day is possible but not easy.

If you’re ready to tackle all the stuff and declutter your house, buckle up and get ready for a whirlwind day of top decluttering tips!

In just one day, you can transform your space into an organized oasis.

By breaking down the process into manageable stages and staying focused with a checklist, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

So roll up your sleeves and dive in – it’s time to reclaim your home from all the unnecessary stuff and chaos!

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Dish Cloths for Dishwashing - Kitchen Dish Rags for Scrubbing

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      4.6 of 5 1999 REVIEWS
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  • ✔️ DISHWASHING DISHCLOTH: Outlasts and outperforms any kitchen sponge.


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How To Declutter Your House In One Day 1

Getting Started – How To Declutter Your House In One Day

cleaning crew

To get started and start decluttering your whole house all in one day, begin by creating a decluttering checklist and focusing on one room or zone at a time. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t become overwhelmed with the overwhelming task already at hand.

Start by identifying the areas of your home that need the most attention and prioritize them on your checklist. Once you have your checklist ready, tackle the remaining items in each room or zone systematically, completing one before moving on to the next.

Remember to be ruthless when deciding what to keep and what to discard – only keep items that bring you joy or serve a practical purpose.

Sorting And Categorizing

2 women sorting plastic and bottles

Start by sorting and categorizing items in each room to effectively organize your belongings. Begin with one room at a time, tackling each space systematically.

Take out all the unwanted items, and categorize them into groups such multiple items such as keep, donate, or discard. This will help you make quick decisions on what to do with each item.

As you sort, think about the purpose of each item and whether it brings value and spark joy to your life. Use containers, trash bags, or bins to group similar items together and label them for easy identification later on.

Utilizing Storage Solutions

Use modular storage or space-saving units to optimize the storage capacity in your home. Here are five ways you can utilize storage solutions to further declutter your home and organize your space:

  • Install floating shelves on empty walls to store books, decorative items, or kitchen essentials.
  • Use under-bed storage containers to keep off-season clothing, extra linens, or shoes neatly organized and out of sight.
  • Utilize vertical space by installing hanging organizers in closets for shoes, handbags, or accessories.
  • Invest in stackable bins or baskets to create designated zones for toys, craft supplies, or office documents.
  • Maximize kitchen cabinet space with adjustable shelving inserts or pull-out racks for pots and pans.

Creating Organized Zones

lady recycling perishable goods

When creating organized zones in your home, categorize items into separate sections to make it easier to find what you need. Start by grouping like items together and placing them in specific zones.

In the bottom kitchen cabinets, create zones for cooking utensils, baking supplies, and pantry items. In the family room and the office, organize your desk area with designated sections for pens, papers, and electronics.

By categorizing items clutter free your entire house in this way, you’ll save time searching for and putting things back and maintain a more clutter free house and and gain free space. Utilize labels to further enhance organization and invest in a handheld label maker for a professional touch.

With organized zones and labeled containers, you’ll have mastery over your belongings and create an efficient system that simplifies your daily life.

Labeling For Organization

labeled food supply boxes

To maintain organization in your home, try utilizing labels to easily identify and locate items within each designated zone in an organized home, especially when you have so much stuff.

Labels can be a powerful tool for a clutter free home and creating an organized and clutter-free environment.

Here are three ways labels can help you achieve mastery over your space:

  1. Efficiently locate items: With labeled containers, shelves, and drawers, you can quickly find what you need without wasting time searching through cluttered areas.
  2. Streamline the decluttering process: Labels make it easier to sort and categorize items during the decluttering process. You can quickly identify what needs to be kept, donated, or discarded.
  3. Maintain long-term organization: By labeling storage spaces, you create a system that helps everyone in your household put things back where they belong. This reduces the chances of items becoming misplaced or lost.

Managing Cords And Cables

tangled cords and cables

Now that you’ve mastered the art of labeling for organization, it’s time to tackle another aspect of your decluttering journey – managing cords and cables.

In a world filled with technology, it’s all too easy for cords and cables to become tangled messes. But fear not! By following a few simple steps, you can keep your cords neat and organized.

Firstly, gather all your cords together and separate them by device or purpose. Use twist ties or velcro straps to secure each cord individually. You can also invest in cable management boxes or trays to hide and securely hold your wires.

For desks or entertainment centers with multiple devices, consider using a socket outlet shelf with cable ports to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

Tips To Clean The Kitchen

pretty clean kitchen
  1. Clear the Clutter: Before you begin cleaning, clear off countertops and tables. Put away any dishes, utensils, or appliances that aren’t in their designated spots.
  2. Start with Dishes: If you have dirty dishes, start by washing or loading them into the dishwasher. A clean sink and empty counters make the cleaning process more manageable.
  3. Wipe Down Surfaces: Wipe down countertops, stovetops, and tables with a damp cloth or a mild cleaner. Don’t forget to clean under appliances and objects as well.
  4. Clean Appliances: Clean the inside and outside of your microwave, oven, and refrigerator. Use appropriate cleaners and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Sink and Drain: Scrub the sink using a gentle abrasive cleaner or baking soda. Run hot water down the drain to prevent clogs, and consider using a sink strainer to catch food particles.
  6. Tackle the Stovetop: Remove burners, knobs, and any detachable parts. Clean them separately. For the stovetop surface, use a cleaner suitable for your stovetop type and a non-abrasive scrubber.
  7. Cabinets and Drawers: Wipe down cabinet doors and handles. Consider organizing your drawers by using dividers to separate utensils and tools.
  8. Floor Cleaning: Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove loose debris. Then, mop the floor using a suitable cleaner for your flooring type.
  9. Trash and Recycling: Empty the trash and recycling bins. Clean and sanitize the bins if needed.
  10. Deep Cleaning: Periodically, deep-clean areas that are often overlooked, such as the inside of the refrigerator, oven, and microwave. Check expiration dates on food items as you clean.
  11. Preventative Maintenance: Regularly check for leaks under the sink and around appliances. Address any issues promptly to prevent water damage.
  12. Dishcloth and Sponges: Keep dishcloths and sponges clean by washing them regularly. You can also sanitize them by microwaving a damp sponge for a short period.
  13. Monthly Maintenance: Schedule a monthly kitchen maintenance day to address bigger tasks like cleaning the inside of the oven, decluttering the pantry, and checking the expiration dates of condiments.
  14. Ventilation: Clean or replace range hood filters regularly to ensure proper ventilation while cooking.
  15. Pantry Organization: Keep your pantry organized by grouping similar items together and using clear containers for items like pasta, cereal, and spices.
  16. Small Appliances: Clean small appliances like toasters, blenders, and coffee makers according to their specific care instructions.
  17. Fridge Check: Regularly go through your fridge to check for expired or spoiled food. Wipe up any spills promptly to prevent odors.
  18. Sweep After Cooking: Make it a habit to quickly sweep or wipe down surfaces after cooking to prevent grease and grime buildup.
  19. Family Effort: Involve family members in kitchen cleaning. Assign tasks and make it a collaborative effort to maintain cleanliness.
  20. Consistency is Key: A little daily upkeep can prevent a major cleaning overhaul later. Try to spend a few minutes each day tidying up your kitchen to keep it in top shape.

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Scouring Pad and Pot Scrubber – Tough nylon scourer, non-scratch

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How To Declutter Your House In One Day 2

Tips To Clean The Bedroom

clean bedroom

Remember that keeping a clean kitchen not only what makes meal preparation more enjoyable but also contributes to a healthier and more organized living environment.

  1. Declutter: Start by picking up any clothes, shoes, or items that are out of place and putting them away. A tidy space makes cleaning easier.
  2. Dust Surfaces: Use a microfiber cloth or a duster to gently remove dust from surfaces such as furniture, shelves, and decor.
  3. Change Bedding: Strip your bed of its sheets, pillowcases, and covers. Launder them according to the manufacturer’s instructions and replace with fresh ones.
  4. Vacuum or Sweep: Vacuum the floor, including under the bed and in corners. If you have hard floors, sweep or vacuum to remove dust and dirt.
  5. Wipe Down Surfaces: Use a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces like nightstands, dressers, and vanities. Pay attention to spots that often collect dust.
  6. Clean Mirrors: Use a glass cleaner to clean mirrors and any glass surfaces in your bedroom.
  7. Launder Curtains: If you have curtains, check the care instructions and launder or dust them as needed.
  8. Organize Storage: Tidy up closets and drawers to declutter room. Organize clothing, shoes, and accessories using drawer dividers. Consider donating items you no longer wear. Make sure dirty clothes are in place and not inside the bedroom. Set up junk drawer for small items to avoid visual clutter.
  9. Dust Electronics: Dust and wipe down electronics such as TVs, laptops, and chargers.
  10. Wash Windows: If your bedroom has windows, give them a thorough cleaning inside and out.
  11. Rotate Mattress: If applicable, rotate or flip your mattress according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  12. Deep Cleaning: Periodically, tackle bigger tasks such as cleaning behind furniture, baseboards, and vents.
  13. Address Clutter: Keep surfaces clutter-free by designating a spot for items like books, magazines, and personal belongings.
  14. Cushions and Pillows: Fluff and rotate cushions and pillows to prevent uneven wear.
  15. Air Out the Room: Open windows to let fresh air circulate through the room and help reduce any lingering odors.
  16. Dresser and Vanity: Organize and clean these areas, discarding expired cosmetics or items you no longer use.
  17. Under-Bed Cleaning: If possible, vacuum or clean under your bed to remove dust and debris.
  18. Art and Decor: Dust or wipe down any wall art or decorations to keep them looking fresh.
  19. Freshen Carpets: If you have carpets, consider using a carpet cleaner or freshener to maintain a clean scent.
  20. Regular Maintenance: Spend a few minutes each day doing a quick tidy-up to prevent clutter from accumulating.

Maintaining a clean and organized bedroom and laundry room contributes to a peaceful and restful environment, making it a pleasant space to relax and recharge.

Tips To Clean The Living Room

clean living room
  1. Clear Clutter: Begin by tidying up any stray items such as magazines, toys, or personal belongings. Clearing clutter makes the cleaning process smoother.
  2. Dust Surfaces: Dust all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and electronics, using a microfiber cloth or a duster.
  3. Vacuum Upholstery: Use an upholstery attachment on your vacuum to remove dust and debris from sofas, chairs, and cushions.
  4. Vacuum or Sweep: Vacuum carpets or rugs, and sweep hard floors to eliminate dirt and dust.
  5. Wipe Down Electronics: Gently clean electronics like TV screens, remote controls, and gaming consoles with a soft, damp cloth.
  6. Clean Windows: If your living room has windows, clean the glass and frames using a glass cleaner.
  7. Polish Furniture: Depending on the type of furniture you have, use an appropriate cleaner or polish to rejuvenate the surfaces.
  8. Refresh Pillows and Throws: Fluff and arrange pillows and throws to give your seating areas a clean, inviting look.
  9. Organize Media: Arrange books, DVDs, and other media items neatly on shelves or in storage units.
  10. Dust Decor: Wipe down decorative items like frames, sculptures, and vases to keep them looking their best.
  11. Clean Light Fixtures: Dust and wipe down light fixtures and lamps. Replace any burnt-out bulbs.
  12. Check Vents and Air Filters: Vacuum or wipe down air vents, and replace or clean air filters to maintain good air quality.
  13. Curtain Care: Vacuum or shake out curtains, and launder them according to their care instructions if needed.
  14. Spot Clean Upholstery: Address any stains or spills on upholstery promptly with appropriate cleaning products.
  15. Floor Detailing: Pay attention to corners and edges when vacuuming or sweeping, as dirt tends to accumulate there.
  16. Declutter Surfaces: Keep surfaces like coffee tables and side tables clear of unnecessary items.
  17. Refresh Plants: If you have indoor plants, gently dust their leaves and water them as needed.
  18. Area Rugs: Vacuum or shake out area rugs to remove dirt and debris.
  19. Pet Care: If you have pets, regularly vacuum pet hair from furniture and floors. Consider giving pet beds a wash.
  20. Regular Maintenance: Incorporate quick tidying sessions into your routine to prevent clutter from building up.

A clean and inviting living room enhances the comfort of the living rooms in your home and creates a welcoming space for relaxation and socializing.

Tips To Clean The Bathroom

clean bathroom
  1. Gather Supplies: Collect your cleaning supplies, including an all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, scrub brush, microfiber cloths, gloves, and a mop.
  2. Clear Surfaces: Remove items from countertops, shelves, and the shower to access all areas for cleaning.
  3. Ventilation: Open a window or turn on the fan to ensure proper ventilation while cleaning.
  4. Dust and Sweep: Start by dusting surfaces and sweeping the floor to remove loose dirt and hair.
  5. Tackle the Toilet: Apply toilet bowl cleaner inside the toilet and let it sit while you clean other areas. Use a toilet brush to scrub the bowl, including under the rim.
  6. Sink and Countertop: Clean the sink and countertop with an all-purpose cleaner. Pay attention to faucets and handles.
  7. Mirrors: Clean mirrors using a glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth, ensuring a streak-free shine.
  8. Shower and Tub: Apply an appropriate cleaner to the shower and tub surfaces. Scrub the tiles, grout, and fixtures. Consider using a bathroom-specific scrub brush for tough spots.
  9. Shower Curtain and Liner: If you have a fabric shower curtain or liner, check the care instructions and wash them as needed.
  10. Showerhead: Remove and clean the showerhead by soaking it in a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar to remove mineral deposits.
  11. Clean Cabinets and Drawers: Wipe down the exterior of cabinets and drawers. Declutter and organize the contents if needed.
  12. Floor Cleaning: Mop the floor using a bathroom-safe floor cleaner. Pay attention to corners and around the toilet.
  13. Trash Removal: Empty the trash and replace the bag with a fresh one.
  14. Grout Care: Periodically, clean grout lines to prevent mold and mildew buildup.
  15. Soap Scum: Address soap scum on shower doors and tiles using a specialized cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water.
  16. Toothbrush Holder: Clean toothbrush holders and soap dishes to prevent the buildup of germs.
  17. Toilet Paper and Towels: Ensure there’s an ample supply of toilet paper and clean towels for guests.
  18. Regular Maintenance: Incorporate regular cleaning routines to prevent the accumulation of dirt and grime.
  19. Disinfection: Use disinfectant cleaners on high-touch areas such as faucets, flush handles, and doorknobs.
  20. Freshen Up: Consider adding air fresheners or potpourri to keep the bathroom smelling pleasant.

Maintaining a clean bathroom, kitchen counter and laundry room is not only important for hygiene but also contributes to a comfortable and pleasant environment for everyone in your household and guests.

Tips To Clean The Patio

How To Declutter Your House In One Day 3
  1. Clear the Area: Remove any furniture, plant pots, or items from the patio to access all surfaces.
  2. Sweep: Begin by sweeping the patio to remove leaves, debris, and loose dirt.
  3. Pressure Washing: If you have a pressure washer, use it to clean the surface of the patio. Adjust the pressure according to the material of your patio to avoid damage.
  4. Scrubbing: For stubborn stains or areas that the pressure washer couldn’t clean, use a scrub brush and a mixture of water and mild detergent to scrub the surface.
  5. Furniture Cleaning: Clean outdoor furniture with appropriate cleaning products based on the material (wood, metal, plastic, etc.). Wipe down cushions and pillows, or follow care instructions for machine washing.
  6. Grill Maintenance: If you have a grill on the patio, clean the grates and surfaces using a grill brush and degreaser.
  7. Plant Care: Trim any overgrown plants or bushes that might be encroaching on the patio space.
  8. Light Fixtures: Dust or wipe down any light fixtures on the patio.
  9. Windows and Glass: Clean any glass doors or windows that lead to or overlook the patio.
  10. Outdoor Rugs: If you have outdoor rugs, shake them out and clean them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  11. Check for Repairs: Inspect the patio for any loose or damaged boards, tiles, or surfaces. Make any necessary repairs.
  12. Gutters and Drains: Check that gutters and drains around the patio are clear to prevent water accumulation.
  13. Storage Areas: Organize and clean any storage spaces on the patio, such as cabinets or bins.
  14. Pest Prevention: Consider using pest-repellent solutions to discourage insects from making the patio their home.
  15. Decor and Accessories: Clean or dust any decorative items or accessories you have on the patio.
  16. Regular Maintenance: Regularly sweep the patio and wipe down surfaces to prevent dirt buildup.
  17. Sealing: Depending on the material of your patio, you might need to apply a sealer to protect it from the elements.
  18. Plant Care: Water and maintain any potted plants or flowers on the patio.
  19. Outdoor Entertainment Areas: If you have an outdoor entertainment area like a bar or kitchen, clean the surfaces and appliances.
  20. Relax and Enjoy: After cleaning, place the furniture back in an inviting arrangement and enjoy your refreshed patio space.

A clean and well-maintained patio provides a pleasant outdoor living space where family members can relax, be entertained, and enjoy the fresh air.

Tips To Clean The Balcony

clean balcony
  1. Clear the Space: Remove any furniture, plant pots, or items from the balcony to access all surfaces.
  2. Sweep or Vacuum: Begin by sweeping or vacuuming the balcony floor to remove dirt, dust, and debris.
  3. Wipe Down Surfaces: Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down surfaces like railings, walls, and any outdoor furniture.
  4. Check for Repairs: Inspect the balcony for any loose or damaged materials, such as loose tiles or deteriorating surfaces. Make repairs as needed.
  5. Plant Care: Trim any plants or bushes on the balcony and ensure they’re healthy and well-maintained.
  6. Outdoor Furniture: Clean outdoor furniture using appropriate cleaning products based on the material (wood, metal, plastic, etc.). Wipe down cushions and pillows, or follow care instructions for machine washing.
  7. Glass and Windows: Clean any glass surfaces, such as glass doors or windows, on or overlooking the balcony.
  8. Balcony Railings: Pay special attention to cleaning and wiping down the balcony railings, as they can accumulate dirt and dust.
  9. Light Fixtures: Dust or clean any light fixtures or outdoor lanterns on the balcony.
  10. Planters and Pots: Clean and refresh planters and pots, and check drainage holes to prevent water accumulation.
  11. Pest Prevention: Consider using pest-repellent solutions to discourage insects from inhabiting the balcony.
  12. Outdoor Rugs: Shake out or clean outdoor rugs according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  13. Regular Maintenance: Establish a routine for regularly sweeping and cleaning the balcony to prevent dirt buildup.
  14. Sealing: Depending on the material of your balcony, consider applying a sealant to protect it from the elements.
  15. Storage Areas: Organize and clean any storage spaces on the balcony, such as cabinets or shelves.
  16. Decor and Accessories: Dust or clean any decorative items or accessories on the balcony.
  17. Relaxation Space: Arrange furniture back in an inviting way that encourages you to enjoy the balcony space.
  18. Outdoor Curtains: If you have outdoor curtains, shake them out and clean them according to care instructions.
  19. Pet Care: If you have pets, clean up any pet hair or messes on the balcony.
  20. Safety Check: Double-check the balcony’s safety features, such as railings, to ensure they are secure and in good condition.

Maintaining a clean house and tidy balcony provides you with a refreshing outdoor retreat where you can unwind, enjoy fresh air, and soak up the scenery.

Additional Tips

Don’t forget to organize desk drawers, your hall closet, and your linen closet, and create a minimalist living room to see how much space to further maintain a clutter-free home.

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Dish Cloths for Dishwashing - Kitchen Dish Rags for Scrubbing

Vanilla – 247 Servings IN STOCK ready to ship
      4.6 of 5 1999 REVIEWS
  • ✔️ BEST DISH CLOTHS: Scrub big mess with ease. Strong scrubber cloth.
  • ✔️ NO MORE SMELLY SPONGES: Does not absorb and retain foul water or residue.
  • ✔️ DISHWASHING DISHCLOTH: Outlasts and outperforms any kitchen sponge.


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How To Declutter Your House In One Day 1

By organizing your closet, you can easily find what you need and avoid the frustration of searching through piles of your own dirty laundry and clothes everywhere.

Start by decluttering and donating items that no longer serve you. Then, arrange your clothes by type and color for easy access.

As for your living room, embrace minimalism by keeping only essential furniture pieces and decor that bring you joy. Remove paper clutter, broken items, and unnecessary items from surfaces and create designated storage spaces for books, magazines, and other media.

If you have empty spaces in the home, use them by adding storage spaces to declutter your house.

You Don’t Need A Professional Organizer To Declutter Your Home

Congratulations on successfully decluttering your home in just a few minutes a day! When you develop habits to declutter your home regularly, you’ll find out how refreshing it is to see a clean and happy home.

Break down the process into chunks and manageable stages, and create a checklist to stay organized.

By focusing on how to really declutter your house in one day, you will never feel overwhelmed. Planning can help you tackle each task efficiently.

Utilizing storage solutions, organizing zones, and labeling miscellaneous items helped you maintain order throughout your home.

Plus, by managing cords and cables, you’ll create a more clutter-free environment.

Remember to regularly declutter your home and develop a cleaning routine to ensure your home stays organized.

Great job!

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